Valley of
Located in the Region of Coquimbo, at a latitude of 30°LS. The Limarí property is 28km (17.5 miles) from the Pacific Ocean and 400km (248.5 miles) north of Santiago.

Principales Variedades

Chardonnay, Syrah
Características del valle

The Climate is strongly influenced by its proximity to the Pacific Ocean (28km) and the low hills of the Coastal Mountain Range. The coastal fog dissipates around midday, allowing for temperature to rise, although these are always moderated by fresh sea breezes. The proximity to the ocean is also seen in the relatively high afternoon temperatures, which can reach 20°C in January, the hottest month of the year.
Soil type
The soil consists of alluvial deposits with a first stratus of clay and a second stratus of clay loam with stones, and calcium carbonate deposits between the two strata. The agricultural climate conditions of the soil are good for producing white wines with intense aromas and red wines with an intense color and pleasant acidity.Hotel Casa RealReservas / Bookings
Extranjeros no residentes en Chile, por favor reservar en moneda dólar.
Non-resident foreigners in Chile, please book in dolar currency.
**Mayor información, ver términos y condiciones de la reserva**
**More Info, please see booking terms and conditions**